Saint Berdoodles June 8th litter
Betsy - SOLD
Betsy is an F1 Saint Berdoodle. She is from a litter of 5. Her Mom is Sue and she's an AKC Registered Saint Bernard. Her Dad is Comet and he's an AKC Registered Standard Poodle. She will come to you up to date on shots, dewormed, dewclaws removed and vet checked. She is well socialized with children and other dogs. She was born June 8th and is ready for her new home now. She will grow to around 70-110 lbs. Additional photos and video are available upon request.
We are USDA and State licensed. Price does not include 7% Indiana Sales Tax. Email for more information. Goshen Indiana area.
Meet the Parents (Not For Sale)
Sue - AKC Registered Saint Bernard
Sue is an AKC Registered Saint Bernard. She is the Dam of the 6-8 litter with Comet. She weighs around 120 lbs and is a very friendly dog. She is not for sale.
Comet AKC Registered Standard Poodle
Comet is AKC Registered . He's the Sire of the 6-8 litter with Sue. He weighs around 60 lbs. He's a very friendly dog. He is not for sale.